Work > Film/Video

This is an excerpt of a three channel video installation made in Berlin with Leo Cohen. Each channel is a different length, as is the audio, so each time you view the piece it will be slightly different, and it will forever be changing.
Leo posted a short description of what we did on Facebook:
"Dear All, Recently I have been collaborating with the lovely Canadian artist Sydney Southam whilst she is here on a residency at Picture Berlin. Sydney began documenting (using super8 film, sound recordings of our conversations and digital video) a conceptual collaborative piece which focused on the word REAL and the death of reality. The word was constructed out of matches in earth and then burnt in an empty gallery space. The idea was for me to give something to her - for it to start with me and end with her - to create the transition and death between/of the physical object into something digital, a subjective copy of the "real" event or piece of work itself. The piece was linked with the philosophy of simulation/hyper-reality and to Baudrillard's theory on the death of history which we felt was important to explore whilst in Berlin. I recently lent my copy of Baudrillard's "Screened Out" to Sian Cilia in which Baudrillard talks about the Holocaust which is also extremely relevent,
The final editing of this video piece will be displayed on several monitors in an exhibition tonight at UFO PRESENTS"
-Leo Cohen

, a reference with no referent
3 channel video installation